The home of family friendly allotmenting

Welcome to The Four Allotmenteers, the home of family friendly allotmenting!

We’re Kate and Rob! We are here to share the story of our 4 allotmenteers, the progress of our family allotment, and provide you with all the resources we can for you to get involved too! We are super excited about the road ahead and are so grateful you stopped by.

In the middle of 2017 we had the crazy idea that, despite being busy with recent house renovations, full and part time jobs and home educating 4 children, we needed to spend more time outside ‘connecting with nature’ and should therefore get ourselves an allotment. Ultimately, we want to try and grow our own. Whilst doing this, we also hope that we might be able to save a bit of money, get a bit of exercise and help our children to learn through nature. We want them to understand more about the world around them, have a true understanding of where their food comes from and the differences between traditional growing methods and modern large scale farming.

This year we are going to ‘dig in deep’ as we’re planing to try and grow something other than the weeds currently occupying the plot. We will document our progress and experiences as a home-edding, allotmenteering family right here.

Stay tuned and see how we get on!

Recent Blog Posts

Mr ‘Seed’ potato head

Following a Daddy trip to the local DIY, 2 bags of seed potatoes were collected and dropped off in the allotmenteers hands. Rising to the challenge they ripped open the tops of the bags with excitement and found.... potatoes. The whole idea of growing potatoes from...

Save the worms!!!

Picture the scene, we're down at the plot, busy digging and weeding, trying to get as much done as possible before the currently sleeping toddler wakes up and/or it rains. Daughter 1 screams at full volume, I jump to attention fearing the worst. Has The Boy...

Sowing the Seeds of Success

So with the clearing under way, our thoughts have been turning to what we will actually be attempting to grow this season. We were very fortunate that our allotment proved inspirational to other family members for Christmas presents this year and we were provided with...

In-between the weeds

It's the start of the season, and all around the allotment site preparations have begun for this year's growing season. With this in mind (and a little peer pressure!) it was time to return to the patch after last year's initial dabble at clearing up and get...


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