The home of family friendly allotmenting

Welcome to The Four Allotmenteers, the home of family friendly allotmenting!

We’re Kate and Rob! We are here to share the story of our 4 allotmenteers, the progress of our family allotment, and provide you with all the resources we can for you to get involved too! We are super excited about the road ahead and are so grateful you stopped by.

In the middle of 2017 we had the crazy idea that, despite being busy with recent house renovations, full and part time jobs and home educating 4 children, we needed to spend more time outside ‘connecting with nature’ and should therefore get ourselves an allotment. Ultimately, we want to try and grow our own. Whilst doing this, we also hope that we might be able to save a bit of money, get a bit of exercise and help our children to learn through nature. We want them to understand more about the world around them, have a true understanding of where their food comes from and the differences between traditional growing methods and modern large scale farming.

This year we are going to ‘dig in deep’ as we’re planing to try and grow something other than the weeds currently occupying the plot. We will document our progress and experiences as a home-edding, allotmenteering family right here.

Stay tuned and see how we get on!

Recent Blog Posts

Seedling Success!

There has been much excitement from both the Allotmenteers and Mummy this weekend after a visit to Granny's Greenhouse. What we found can only be described as a massive success as, believe it or not, we have things growing! Not just the odd few shoots which I found...

The beast gets a hair cut

With a rather damp day and an hour to spend, we decided to put phase one into action against the beast in our midst.  This thing is much bigger than it looks in the photo, and with the help of 2 allotmenteers, it got what I can only describe as a serious hair cut. The...

Digging – Archaeology style

What a transformation of a week, the sun has been shinning, its warm and things are finally starting to dry out down on the plot. This upward turn in the weather has been very well received by everyone and has meant full steam ahead in terms of getting the plot into...

Pond or Plot?

Rain, lots and lots of rain. I think pretty much the whole population of the UK right now will agree with me when we say that we are well and truly done with the wintery weather which has been plaguing us for what feels like a really long time now. And I think this is...


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